Monday, December 5, 2011

10 Wrong Ways to Do to Overcome Insomnia

News Health Articles - 10 Wrong Ways to Do to Overcome Insomnia. Daily routines often trigger stress and energy consuming. The result, difficulties and lack of sleep. Many people overcome insomnia in the wrong way and it becomes more difficult to fall asleep cause.

The ten habits of the wrong done to overcome insomnia, among others, as reported by the Huffington Post, Monday (12/05/2011) are:

1. Trying Hard To Can Sleep
Believe that sleep must be intentional and even count for something, for example sheep, to be able to sleep makes the body is maintained. By releasing the intention to sleep, we feel that the process between sleep and waking occurs with no conscious.

Nothing to be done in order to sleep, let it just happen.

2.Banyak Exposed to Light At Night
To be able to relax, we usually spend time reading books or watching TV before bed. It feels comfortable, but it causes the eyes are exposed to too much light.

Lights at night, especially the blue wavelengths of light, push your body to stay awake and pressing expenses melatonin, a hormone that makes the body relax and sleep soundly. Use special glasses to filter out blue light wavelengths and boost production of melatonin.

3. Consuming Alcohol
Many of us want to fall asleep quickly and mindlessly consume alcohol or other sedative substances. Alcohol awareness is lowered, but did not make the body lose akslerasinya.

When alcohol is metabolized during sleep, consciousness would appear to be suddenly awakened. The best step is to reduce activity in the afternoon and evening.

4. Efficacy of Sleeping Pills Will Believe
Thanks to advertising campaigns, use of sleeping pills soared over the last few years. Sleeping pills is not so much to help the sleep process because only polish sleep experience.

Rather than drugging yourself in the process of sleep is false, would be better if the identify and resolve problems that make awake at night.

5. Stay At Sleep When It Can Sleep
Many people believe that when he could not sleep, the best action is to stay in bed and rest. This practice usually cause insomnia and make more and continues to stay awake in bed.

Go to bed only when feeling sleepy, get up from bed and relax was when he could not sleep.

6. Why search for Can not Sleep
When suddenly awakened in the night, often followed by self-assessment of why it happened. Self-assessment will only be able to prevent the body's sleep again. Be assured that wake up at night is normal.

7. Eliminate The Dream
Too many people believe that dreams are simply the result of sleep. Dreaming is very important for the physical, mental, and long-term memory. Seek knowledge from the dream journal and discuss. Do not give up on an approach that simplifies the dream.

8. Consuming stimulants Overstated
Caffeine, energy drinks, and foods that contain high glycemic load is typically used to restore the energy lost due to lack of sleep.

Make sure the body gets the required hours of sleep. More intelligent use caffeine to help the energy flow naturally, not to rule out the need to sleep.

9. Sleep All Day Afternoon
Common symptoms because awake at night and are drowsy or sleep when daylight. Although there is strong evidence supporting the benefits of napping as reducing nighttime sleepiness, but it can disrupt the circadian rhythm.

Do not give up on drowsiness in the daytime, but do not fight it. Sleep during the day only to improve the quality of sleep is lacking.

10. Sleeping on weekends and holidays
The fun of a holiday weekend and are allowing people to replace the lost hours of sleep for a week.

Good if you feel the need to sleep, but it also disrupts circadian rhythms and will continue the habits that cause the body to constantly sleep-deprived. Get used to sleep early and sleep regularly.

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