All you need is a bit of time to be able to burn 100 to 250 calories. Here are some active movement that can burn more calories in 10 minutes, as reported by timesofindia, Wednesday (12/14/2011):
1. Zumba Aerobics 10 minutes
Zumba aerobic dance from South America is a good way to burn calories in a short time. The style is energetic and fast-tempo music can help you move on and make your body leaner and fitter.
2. Clean the house for 10 minutes
Perform cleaning activities and managing the home can be an additional way to make the body fit and fight stress, with weight loss so penurunkan bonus. You can burn 200 to 300 calories which is equivalent to the road 20 minutes on the treadmill.
3. Brisk walking 10 minutes
Brisk walking does not require special equipment, just a decent pair of shoes worn. You can do brisk walking regularly for 10 to 20 minutes. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, a brisk walk for 10 minutes can burn 106 calories.
4. Video games that involve physical activity for 10 minutes
According to scientists at Brigham Young University and the University of Massachusetts, the video games that involve physical activity can help the kids burn calories. Choose games that need expend energy. With a few minutes of playing games like Wii Boxing equivalent to 10 minutes of brisk walking on a treadmill.
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