Monday, January 2, 2012

Beware, Gas Poisoning at Home Threaten Lives!

News Health Articles - Beware, Gas Poisoning at Home Threaten Lives!. Home appliances such as a broken heater can cause incomplete combustion occurs. The result is very dangerous because it can produce substances toxic carbon monoxide (CO). What happens when the body of CO poisoning?

In the process of combustion, if sufficient amount of oxygen it will happen by perfect combustion and produces carbon dioxide (CO2). But if not enough oxygen, the combustion becomes incomplete and produces carbon monoxide (CO).

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that is colorless and odorless. These compounds are produced by incomplete combustion of materials in motor vehicles, smoke, fire and smoke from the engine.

Certain equipment in the home also produces toxic gas when not functioning properly or is damaged, such as cooking utensils, water heaters, gas clothes dryer, and furnace heating with fuel oil, gas or coal that is not managed properly.

These compounds are highly toxic because it can bind strongly with blood hemoglobin (oxygen carrying protein) and inhibits the transport of oxygen to body tissues and cause hypoxia (oxygen deficiency).

CO binds 200 times stronger to hemoglobin than oxygen, so it is very difficult to remove when it has bonded with blood.

Poisoned by CO generally result in death due to the reaction takes place very quickly. CO compound also called the silent killer because although colorless and odorless, these compounds can quickly kill someone.

In small doses, the compound CO can cause mild symptoms such as nausea and dizziness. And in large doses can cause brain damage and even death.

Here are some symptoms that occur when the body of CO poisoning, as reported by Buzzle, Monday (01/02/2012):

  1. Headache
  2. Dizziness
  3. Nausea
  4. Chest pain
  5. Shortness of breath
  6. Throw up
  7. Stomach ache
  8. Drowsiness
  9. Fainting
  10. Convulsions

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