Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Maximize Body's Metabolism

News Health Articles - How to Maximize Body's Metabolism. Good body metabolism means a process of formation and expenditure of substances in the body on a regular basis. If the body's metabolism working properly then this can increase the fat burning process so they can lose weight effectively.

Here are 10 ways to optimize the body's metabolism working as quoted from FoxNewsHealth, Tuesday (13/12/2011), among others:

1. Do not diet excessively
A healthy diet does not mean eating small portions. However, more emphasis on healthy diet choices are more nutrient dense foods. It aims to push out the empty calories and still make the stomach feel full all day.

That's important, because it limits the portions of food will lower your metabolism. What's worse, if the food shortage continues, the body will start burning muscle tissue. When the metabolism down, then the fat will occupy a large area of ​​the body.

2. Getting good quality sleep
A study in Finland has been observed twin brother who slept with less time and are under stress have more fat.

3. Eat more protein
The body needs protein to maintain muscle. In a study in 2006 which was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition stated that, daily protein recommendation is approximately 0.36 grams per pound of body weight.

But now the researchers recommend a daily protein intake of between 0.8 to 1 gram per pound of body weight. The results also showed that the protein can burn calories as much as 35 percent after a meal.

4. Choosing organic foods
Canadian researchers reported that people who eat foods containing organochlorines decreased metabolism, perhaps because the toxins interfere with the process of burning energy.

In other words, pesticides make it harder to lose weight. An organochlorine pollutants from pesticides, which are stored in fat cells. Other research suggests that pesticides can trigger weight gain.

5. Enough physical activity
Sitting or standing in the workplace can play a significant role in health and waistline. Health is closely related to fitness routines.

In one study found that physical activity, about 4 hours or more affects the work of an enzyme that controls the metabolism of fat and cholesterol. To keep these enzymes remain active and increase fat burning, then peru do more physical activity routine.

6. Drinking cold water
German researchers found that drinking 6 cups of cold water a day can increase the metabolism of about 50 calories a day. This increase can be derived from the work that needed to heat the water to body temperature.

7. Eating spicy foods
By eating spicy foods can increase metabolism. Ate about a tablespoon of chopped red or green chillies increase body heat production and activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

This is the result of a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. Eating spicy foods can increase metabolism of about 23 percent.

8. Breakfast
Breakfast can keep your metabolism high energy throughout the day. Those who skip breakfast have a higher risk of obesity about four and a half times.

In one study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, study participants who received 22-55 percent of total calories at breakfast gained weight gain average of 1.7 pounds for 4 years. Those who ate 0-11 percent of calories at breakfast rose nearly 3 pounds.

9. Drinking coffee or tea
Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system, so that protein intake can increase metabolism of 5-8 percent, or about 98-174 calories per day.

According to a study in Japan, a cup of brewed tea can increase metabolism by 12 percent. The researchers stated that, the antioxidant content of catechins in tea can increase metabolism.

10. Fight the fat with fiber
Fiber can burn fat as much as 30 percent. Recommended daily intake of fiber is about 25 grams a day. The amount is roughly contained in about 3 servings each of fruits and vegetables.

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