Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Baby learn it Before this comes to the World

News Health Articles - Baby learn it Before this comes to the World. Many studies have shown that babies have started to learn since the mother's womb. So what can be learned before the baby is born?

Studies of prenatal (before birth) showed that learning had begun even before the baby is born into the world. Before birth, the fetus in the mother's womb can learn to recognize the sound, and vibration sense in the uterus which will then be brought as a remembrance after birth. The fetus also was able to recognize emotions that originate in the mother.

Psychologist William Fifer from Columbia University found that babies enter the world with particular preference at least by two votes, namely the mother's heartbeat and his own voice. This is what causes the baby rather than her own mother heard another female voice.

Another study also found that newborns will recognize the rhythm of the words or hum the song which repeatedly by his mother during the months of pregnancy. Therefore, many obstetricians recommend that mothers used to sing his favorite song in the early months of pregnancy. Mothers should continue to sing the same song after birth so the baby feels really tasteless in places that have been familiar with it.

"Babies also remember the feeling of food available in the mother's womb. If the mother eats garlic, then the taste will also be present in amniotic fluid in the womb. Various flavors of the food eaten mothers will also be integrated into the breast milk (ASI). Introduction initial sense could form the basis of several piliahn food when the child grows up, "explains Julie Mennella of Monnel Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, as reported by mindpub, Tuesday (12/13/2011).

Introduction of sense since the fetus in the womb will also determine what foods will your baby likes and dislikes. That is why, when pregnant women should eat healthy foods and increase vegetables and fruits, so that later the child did not refuse when asked to eat vegetables.

Another thing learned the fetus is a vibration. At 26 weeks gestation, the fetus will move when the vibration is given to the mother's abdomen. But after vibration given repeatedly, the fetus will not move anymore. But if a new type of vibration is given, the fetus will be re-moved to respond. This shows that the fetus in utero with experience.

Most of the behavior of newborns can be traced to the behavior that is present during pregnancy. For example, some fetuses sucking their thumbs and will continue to do so after birth.

In addition, infants also learn to be emotionally in response to the environment before birth. Babies enter this world with certain emotional tendencies. Emotional tendencies are not entirely derived from an inherited gene, since the environment also plays a role in shaping children's emotional tendencies.

Emotional state of mind and physical health of the mother during pregnancy is the maternal environment for the baby. That is why excessive stress or depression experienced by pregnant women may affect the baby in the womb. Babies may be entering this world with the same emotional state of mothers during pregnancy.

Findings on learning and memory abilities baby during pregnancy period and the influence of maternal environment on the unborn baby, bring a greater responsibility for the family.

A mother should do their best to minimize the stress levels and keep the mood happy and positive during pregnancy. A father should do their best to provide maximum emotional support to pregnant mothers to help provide an incredible ability infant when born into the world

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