Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Always Wake up late Tend Senile Faster

News Health Articles - Always Wake up late Tend Senile Faster. All people will be senile when brain function begins to decline, but some experience it more quickly than others. Always woke up late may also be interpreted as signs of going senile faster, especially for women.

A study at California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute revealed that the risk of developing dementia could be attributed to faster biological clock or circadian rhythm. Biological clock regulates sleep patterns and daily activity cycles.

People with strong biological clocks tend to get up early, and started its activities at an earlier time than others. Instead of people who have weak biological clock tends to wake up later and was more active in the afternoon or evening.

To see the relationship with risk of dementia, the researchers looked at 1300 healthy women aged over 75 years. At the end of the observation for 5 years, 15 percent had dementia or dementia and 24 percent had Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or mild dementia.

When compared with the results of the interviews, participants who built it at lunch and less active in the morning had a 80 percent greater risk for experiencing mild dementia. Not that is triggered by the wake up late, but the custom is believed to indicate a greater risk.

"We understand that this is the first study that revealed the close relationship between physical activity associated with the risk of having a biological clock senile," said Greg Tranah who led the study as quoted from HealthDay, Wednesday (14/12/2011).

Tranah plans to continue her research to uncover the real reason. Current expectations still confusing, whether biological clock directly affects or changes the biological clock only signifies that the brain has decreased function that causes dementia.

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