Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Outpatient Cancer Patients at Risk of Blood Clots Natural

News Health Articles - Outpatient Cancer Patients at Risk of Blood Clots Natural. There are some cancer patients who perform road maintenance without staying in the hospital. But studies show that ambulatory cancer patients more often experience blood clots when he was discharged from the hospital.

The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) revealed that cancer patients develop a blood clot, it will be much more possible for him to develop another clot.

Researchers reveal an effort to prevent common complications are potentially life-threatening should focus on outpatient and not only in patients who were hospitalized.

"One of the five patients developed blood clots after diagnosis of cancer, and we believe the figure could rise," said study author Dr. Alok Khorana of James P. Wilmot Cancer Center at URMC, as quoted from MedIndia, Wednesday (12/14/2011).

This study examined nearly 18,000 cancer patients over 4 years and found that 5.6 percent of developing a blood clot condition was 78 pesennya receive treatment as outpatients.

Blood clot or also called venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a mass of red blood cells, platelets and blood clotting proteins that can impede blood flow.

"To reduce the burden of health care costs due to blood clots in cancer patients it is necessary prevention for patients who do road maintenance," says Khorana.

Researchers reveal cancer patients need more information about blood clots and the importance of prevention and improving treatment adherence terahdap prevention.

"Patients should immediately report to the doctor if they have any unusual symptoms such as swelling or redness of the limbs, shortness of breath even though his body felt fine," said Khorana.

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