Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Normal Penis Size Standards Standarized

For never any standard, sometimes there is a man who felt his penis is too small while others judge it too big. In order not to maze, a standard benchmark for normal penis size has now been established in France.

National Academy of Surgery sets the standard that a penis is considered normal if it has a length ranging from 9 cm to 9.5 cm in a weak condition and, if erect length to 12.8 to 14.5 cm. Outside this range, then the penis can be said to be too small or too big.

Standards for normal penis size is not only seen from the length, but also the circumference or girth of his penis. Normal penile circumference was 8.5 cm to 9 cm in weak condition and 10 cm to 10.5 cm while experiencing a full erection.

"The feeling that his penis is too small is a source of anxiety and psychological pain in men," wrote the scientists from the National Academy of Surgery in France that set these standards, as quoted by The Local, Wednesday (10/25/2011).

When anxiety occurs, then the men tend to want to raise his penis through the actual operation is not necessarily required. This tendency is called locker-room syndrome, because it often appears in the locker or the locker room when the men saw each other and comparing their penis.

Yet according to various studies, a variety of procedures including surgery and penis enlargement vacuum pump is not very effective because only lengthen the penis size of a few centimeters only. In fact in many cases, such a procedure more precisely trigger side effects such as impotence if the nerves in the operation there is a wrong cut.

National Academy of Surgery setting the standard the anatomy of the oldest agencies in France, which was established since 1731 in the reign of King Louis XV. This body consists of more than 500 surgeons in various specialties, including genital surgery.

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