Sunday, January 1, 2012

How To Prevent Belly Fat in New Year

News Health Articles - How To Prevent Belly Fat in New Year. At the end of the year, people usually make resolutions for a better life in the years ahead, including the resolution of health. Getting rid of belly fat can be one of the resolution of your health. There are some easy ways to make that happen.

Many people who are not obese but have a distended abdomen, while abdominal fat is more dangerous than fat elsewhere in the body.

Distended stomach or abdominal fat is scientifically known as visceral fat or fatty liver which is located deep in the abdominal cavity and filling the space between the internal organs. These fats have been associated with risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.

Here are some easy ways to get rid of belly fat, as reported by Thesun, Friday (30/12/2011):

1. Eat sitting down, chew slowly and with the mouth closed
Sitting helps people to relax and understand what he was eating. Eating while seated also avoid choking. While chewing food slowly can give the brain time to receive the signal satiety so you eat less.

While eating with your mouth closed and not talking while chewing may help you swallow less air that can later be trapped in the stomach and cause stomach bloating.

2. Do not drink soda
Avoid drinking soft drinks because it can produce more gas in the digestive system, which can contribute to flatulence.

3. Avoid sugar-free candy
Although claimed to contain no sugar, but sugar-free gum containing sorbitol, mannitol and lactitol to be digested in the colon and intestinal bacteria feed, thereby potentially producing more stomach gas.

4. Avoid foods that contain starch 'resistant'
Starch that is not fully digested by the stomach and small intestine and be fermented by intestinal bacteria, thereby producing excess gas in the process. Starch 'resistant' as contained in sweet corn, potatoes cooked or heated, pasta and bread.

5. Expand yogurt
Eating yogurt that contains good bacteria can help reduce bloating, ith speed up the time it takes the stomach to move waste through the colon, so there is little time for bacteria to gas-forming bacteria do their work.

6. Reduce salt
Experts say that reducing salt 3 grams of the day by avoiding virtually all processed foods, will help your body to release water that has accumulated in order to dilute the higher salt levels in the body.

7. Avoid fried foods
Fatty foods, especially fried, causing digested more slowly. Of course it causes stomach feel heavy and bloated. For a healthy diet does not mean do not eat fat at all, but selected fatty food is the kind of healthy fat.

Good or healthy fats called MUFA, which is a monounsaturated fatty acid. MUFA good for people who are difficult to lose belly fat. MUFA can be found in the oils (like olive oil), olives, nuts, seeds, avocados, and chocolate.

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