Friday, December 9, 2011

Yawning Contagious Easier On People who Have Special Relationship

News Health Articles - Yawning Contagious Easier On People who Have Special Relationship. Almost everyone knows that yawning can be contagious. But recent studies have found that contagious yawning is faster in people who have a special bond between couples, family members and close friends than strangers.

Researchers from the University of Pisa in Italy conducted an analysis of 109 men and women from various countries for 2 hours on one occasion. Every time there is a subject that evaporates, then the other members who took part evaporates in the surrounding recorded by researchers.

"Our results indicate transmission menuap primarily driven by the emotional closeness between individuals and not by other variables such as gender and its citizens," said Ivan Norscia and Elisabetta palagi, as quoted from ABCNews, Thursday (12/08/2011).

In a paper that transparently reported in the journal PLoS One is most contagious yawning is known among relatives and spouses, followed by friends and new acquaintances or strangers. This is because of delays in the yawning response to strangers than with friends and relatives.

Until now only little is known about the phenomenon of contagion evaporated. Known to yawn is a signal of fatigue, stress or kebosenan. And just as smiling, yawning is a form of empathy.

Yawn contagion affected by the presence of empathy bond that connects two people, because it is easier transmission occurs in people who have the closeness of its own.

"The area associated with the scope of an emotional nerve that is stimulated by the subject to see other people yawning. By looking at the stimulus that triggers response arising evaporate," he said.

Several studies show the benefits of yawning can stabilize the pressure on both sides of the eardrum, flex muscles and joints in the body and increase blood pressure and heart rate.

If someone yawn, then there are steps that occur are:
1. Starting with an open mouth
2. Jaw moves downward
3. Maximizing the air that may be taken into the lungs
4. Inhalation of air
5. Abdominal muscles to contract
6. The diaphragm is pushed down the lung
7. Finally some air is blown back and mouth closed.

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