Friday, December 9, 2011

1 in 3 People Rely on Sex For Stress Relief

News Health Articles - 1 in 3 People Rely on Sex For Stress Relief. The addition has a reproductive function or produce offspring, sex is also believed to have a recreational function or fun. According to a survey in Australia, 1 in 3 people rely heavily on sex to relieve everyday stress.

This finding is certainly not too surprising, since various studies have shown that sex hormones can stimulate endorphins. The hormone makes the mind more relaxed, so the burden of living like a forgotten for a moment.

"It's important to find appropriate strategies to manage stress, rather than allowed and will be harmful to health," said Stan Goldstein, a researcher from the BUPA Stress Survey, which conducted the study as quoted from Heraldsun, Thursday (08/12/2011).

Based on these findings, Goldstein estimates that in the upcoming year-end holidays will be many Australians who choose to stay at home to have sex. Another objective was to unwind after a routine throughout the year.

Even so, Goldstein asserts bahwea sex alone will not give a relaxing effect without the support of several other factors. These factors include enough sleep, honest and open with your spouse and do not expect perfection from each pair.

Regardless of the method, the stress must be addressed because if left unchecked could trigger a negative impact on health. One of them makes uncontrolled appetite, so that in the long run will lead to obesity and even metabolic disorders such as diabetes or diabetes.

Stress is also a lot of risks associated with various disorders of the heart and blood vessels, such as hypertension or high blood pressure. Hypertension itself is a risk factor for deadly diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

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