Emotion is the term used for mental and physiological state associated with a variety of feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Every human being has emotions, whether happy and excited, angry or sad. There is nothing wrong with emotion, the problem many people are very much interpret and respond to the emotion.
There are 3 ways that people normally do to respond to emotions, namely:
1. Suppress or bury emotions
People who like to suppress emotions may look calm, but the emotions are always pressed it will someday explode.
Basically, people with this type will also be irritable, angry and feel hurt. And without realizing it, pent-up emotions that will be reflected in the attitude of an unpleasant, often say rude and hurtful.
"People who suppress emotions more quiet and buried anger, but he liked rambling and one can 'explode'. People like this if left too long may develop heart problems, throat and cancer," explains Irma Rahayu, Soul Healer of Emotional Healing Indonesia (Ehi) in the event of Emotional Healing Group Therapy in Sofyan Betawi Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (08/12/2011).
He also mentioned that most people who suffer from an incurable illness caused by anger and anxiety are often suppressed.
2. Vent emotions
Many felt that people could vent their emotions can be healthier than those who like to hold it. But who acted excessively emotional effect is only momentary. Emotions are issued with a spontaneous angry or furious will still be saved and not just disappear.
"People who vent their emotions may endanger yourself, others and the environment. As a result, these people often experience metabolic disorders and physical disorders," said Muhammad Gunawan, a co facilitator Ehi.
3. Shifting emotions on other things
People of this type will usually divert emotions and stress on other things that are thought to forget their problems, such as shopping for items that are not needed, overeating, smoking, sleep, overwork, or even a joke throughout the day.
"People who smoke it must be stressed and in fact he knew that smoking was unhealthy but still suck," Gunawan said.
Although able to forget the negative emotions that are not pleasant, but Irma said that the transfer was not a good emotion to overcome the problem.
"It's like you're picking tea leaves and put in the basket behind the back. You forget, but after a long time will be heavier. Do not ever forget the problem because it means you do not finish it. People often forget about the problem that does not mean no problems, but the problem will pile up and suddenly 'collapse', "said Irma.
The best way to respond emotionally
According to Irma is already handling more than 5,000 clients who have problems with emotions, the best way to respond to emotion, especially emotion of anger is to remove it with a fine and decent or good talk with someone who makes us upset.
"Suppose you are upset with person A, then you should tell the person that you are not happy with her actions, but in a subtle, polite and not angry. Do not throw your upset emotions in others, because it does not solve the problem . If if you can not possibly deliver, for example he is the boss or the people who have a high office, then do sending love. Keep being nice to him while he was praying for good things, may she turned and blessings, pray for yourself or hopefully get the good stuff. Do not you even pray for bad things because it will be a negative emotion to yourself, "lid Irma.
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