Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Twins 8 with 2 Mother Substitute Assistance

News Health Articles - Twins 8 with 2 Mother Substitute Assistance. Generally a mother of twins have only amounted to 2 or 3. But couples in Guangzhou managed to have 8 babies at once by using the second twin of a surrogate mother.

Infertile couples in the South China city known to have very long to have children. For that they transfer 8 embryos into the womb of his wife and two surrogate mothers who deliberately hired for a higher success rate.

Apparently the effort was not in vain, because the eight embryos survived and eight twin baby was born in October 2010, three babies were born by the wife while the two respective surrogate mother gave birth to 3 and 2 babies.

Although China has banned the use of surrogate mothers, but it thrives in secrecy because of weak controls that exist. Now these wealthy families to hire 11 nannies and drivers to take care of this twin eighth consisting of 4 males and 4 females.

Apparently not cheap to get the infant octuplets. Reportedly the couple should spend the money of 1 million yuan, equivalent to USD 1.433 billion for the procedure in vitro fertilization (IVF) and more than 100,000 yuan each month.

Since the birth of octuplets somewhat rare and unique, a photo studio was hired to do the shooting. Parents, eight infants and all caregivers serve as a model when the babies are 3 months old.

Shooting was not going well, because of the difficulties photographers get 8 babies smiling and posing at the same time. It took all afternoon just to get some pictures.

"Although this story looks happy, but such practices should not be done. It is because of the birth of twins is too much can lead to risky preterm births and other complications," said Dong Yuzheng, secretary of the Guangdong Family Planning Association, as quoted from ShanghaiDaily, Tuesday (20/12/2011).

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