Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Most People Use only 1 Percent Brain Ability

News Health Articles - Most People Use only 1 Percent Brain Ability. The human brain consists of 100 billion to 1 trillion cells of neurons, which when optimized will be able to function with very unusual. Unfortunately, most people only use 1 percent of the ability of the brain, whereas the remaining 99 percent only became neurons sleep.

Overall weight of the adult human brain is no more than 1.5 kg (or just 1300 to 1400 grams) with the cells (neurons) reached 100 billion to 1 trillion. Brain weight is only about 2.5 percent of the weight of the whole man, yet 25 percent of the food supply should be diverted to the brain.

The brain is also the most important asset of the human body. Neurons can be likened to the processor chip that became the most important part of the computer. Unfortunately, most people only use 1 percent of his brain capacity.

"Most people only use 1 percent of the brain's ability, while the remaining 99 percent is not used and become neurons sleep," said Dr. Mohammad Akbar, Sp.S, Ph.D., Chairman of the Neurology Section Hasanuddin University (Unhas), Makassar, in Seminar Improving the Quality of Human Resources Development through the Brain Kemenkes, at the Peninsula Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (06/12/2011).

In comparison, only has 7,000 bee brain neurons or about 42.8 million times that of the human brain neurons. When the 7000 bee brain cells alone are able to do things extraordinary powerful, let alone humans.

"If you've got a great brain, but only used 1 percent, it means the same as you buy a computer pentium 7 but only used for word application, it will not look the same with people who have a pentium computer. Computer pentium 1 and 7 will look different when you used to install multimedia, will be seen how quickly the new, "said Dr. Akbar.

Dr Akbar said, the neurons of the brain that sleep could be reactivated if you are diligent in providing a stimulus or stimuli. Always make the brain think is one example of brain stimulation.

"The potential connections between brain cells are affected. Provides stimulation will increase the relationship between brain cells," said Dr. Akbar.

If 99 percent of the remaining neurons of the brain that is activated go back to sleep, then you can become a better prosecutor science, a reliable reminder, think and understand more quickly and be very creative man.

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