Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is Baby Moving Active Enough?

News Health Articles - Is Baby Moving Active Enough?. Children should get enough physical activity to prevent the condition of overweight and obesity. But how to tell if your child is active enough to move or not?

Parents may not ask for small children to use the treadmill every day, doing push-ups or other forms of exercise. But there are other things that much more enjoyable for children as a form of physical activity.

Here are some questions that can be answered by the parents to know whether the child is active enough to move or not, as quoted from Parenting.com, Tuesday (06/12/2011), namely:

1. What is body mass index (BMI) owned by the child?
BMI to measure body fat based on height and weight. Eliana Perrin, MD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of medicine said that BMI is one of the best ways of evaluating the health risks associated with size. If the value is normal, then the child is quite moving.

2. How much time children play outside?
Many things can be done the child outside the home, such as playing in the park, playing in the backyard or afternoon stroll around the house.

Research shows that children have many opportunities outside the home, then he would be more physically active. Keep the kids get more time outdoors than 15 minutes each day. For example, playing in the backyard for 20 minutes and evening walks about 30 minutes.

3. How much physical activity is structured?
These conditions include physical activity in school or outside school that has been known to schedule such as PE lessons or basketball, soccer or other movement classes.

Based on the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), children aged 2 years old should get at least 30 minutes of structured physical activity each day, while children aged 3-5 years at least 60 minutes every day.

4. How many children's activities are silent?
This category includes the time when children watch television, play computer, video games, reading, coloring and doing other things that do not require movement.

NASPE recommends toddlers and school children should be doing silent no more than 60 minutes at a time. This is because there must be a healthy balance between rest and activity physical activity.

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