Keeping food intake should still be considered even though the daily routine is pretty solid. Some foods can provide the energy that can be consumed in order to fight fatigue.
Here are 9 food repellent tired can be consumed in order to fight the fatigue as quoted from Fitbie, Sunday (25/12/2011):
1. Pumpkin seeds from pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain magnesium which can serve to counter fatigue. If when doing physical exercise for 30 minutes was able to make us feel tired, may be deficient in magnesium.
Magnesium is needed to capture more oxygen during physical activity. So people with low magnesium will be easier to feel tired.
2. Yogurt
Yogurt contains probiotics, which can be useful to fight fatigue. results showed that the imbalance in the microorganisms in the digestive tract can cause chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Swedish researchers tested the effects of consuming probiotic-rich yogurt with good bacteria that can help digestive health in 15 patients with CFS. After consuming about 6.8 ounces of yogurt twice daily for 4 weeks, 14 of 15 study participants reported a decrease fatigue, increase physical health and mental health.
3. Cereal grain
Cereal grains contain lots of fiber, so it can consumed to reduce fatigue. Fibers can be used to fight the fat, and it turns folate can also help to feel more awake.
Researchers from the University of Cardiff in Wales found that people who eat high-fiber cereal grain decreased emotional disturbance, decreased cognitive problems, and more resistant to fatigue compared with those who do not eat lots of fiber.
Study participants reported a 10 percent improvement in energy levels and reduce fatigue after increasing their fiber intake for 2 weeks.
4. Cereals
Grains contain complex carbohydrates, so it can help fight fatigue. Grains are carbohydrates that are important to increase energy. To fight fatigue can choose complex carbohydrates like whole-grain crackers or a bowl of oatmeal.
The body digest complex carbohydrates and release it slowly, keeping blood sugar and mood remained stable. Simple sugars, as found in sweets and processed foods, can provide a quick burst of energy, but causes the blood sugar can drop quickly.
5. Walnuts
Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids that can help fight fatigue. Belgian researchers found that, patients with CFS have low levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that alpha-linolenic acid, omega 3 fatty acids found in walnuts may help relieve symptoms of depression, which often contribute to CFS.
Increase intake of omega-3 with a quarter cup of walnuts can provide 190 calories.
6. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate contains polyphenols, which can help reduce fatigue. Researchers from Hull York Medical School in England conducted a study on 10 patients with CFS who ate 45 grams of chocolate every day for 2 months.
Study participants received either dark chocolate or white chocolate. Those taking dark chocolate reported significantly less experience fatigue.
Scientists say polyphenols in dark chocolate may increase serotonin. So it can increase feelings of pleasure and thus can reduce feelings of fatigue.
7. Tea
Tea contains caffeine and l-theanine, which can help reduce fatigue. According to a study published in Biological Psychology, when paired with caffeine, an amino acid found naturally in tea improve cognition is more effective than caffeine alone.
When study participants taking the combination of 150 mg caffeine and 250 mg l-theanine, they reported a variety of cognitive benefits, including increased alertness, memory, and reaction, and decreased mental fatigue.
8. Watermelon
Watermelon contains a lot of water, which can be refreshing and reduce fatigue. If you feel tired on a hot day or after physical exercise and sweat a lot, the cause may be as simple as dehydration.
In a recent study, about 92 percent of athletes reported feeling tired when they get the water intake of rich foods and fluids is limited. Lack of fluids can also lead to memory lapses and difficulty concentrating.
9. Red peppers
Red peppers contain vitamin C, so it can help fight fatigue. Vitamin C contains antioxidants that also help reduce oxidative stress, caused by too many free radicals in the body. Too many free radicals are also contributing causes CFS.
In a small study of 44 adults published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, studied people who take vitamin C daily. Those who received 6 g of vitamin C every day for 2 weeks would be more resistant to fatigue.
Study participants also had lower levels of stress hormone cortisol. To get the vitamin C, can enjoy a cup of sliced red peppers that can give you 29 calories.
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