Friday, December 23, 2011

6 Routine Medical Examination Important to Do

News Health Articles - 6 Routine Medical Examination Important to Do. Conduct regular doctor visits can be to maintain health and minimize the cost of the larger in the long run. There are at least six regular checks that need to be done with different schedules.

Indeed, various physical examinations must spend no small cost. It will probably cost more ease if you follow certain health insurance. I wonder what the medical examination should be performed routinely?

Here are 6 Routine Medical Examination Important to Do as quoted from RealSimple, Friday (12/23/2011), among others:

1. Check the teeth
Although it may not be any complaint from the oral cavity, but the dental examination should be performed 6 months. It is useful to prevent the development of tooth and gum disease further.

Dental examinations conducted at least once every 6 months for cleaning tartar or commonly referred to as scaling by a dentist.

Visiting the dentist to perform the examination is not only beneficial to know if there are abnormalities that developed in the oral cavity. However, also able to find out if there is development of systemic disease that manifests in the oral cavity.

If the dentist finds such conditions, will usually refer to a competent doctor.

2. Check the eye
Check your eyes regularly no less important because as we get older our eyesight can suffer setbacks. Check the eyes should be done every 3-5 years when aged under 40 years old, and every 2 years when aged over 40 years.

3. Check the gynecologist
For women should also routinely checked by a gynecologist despite not being pregnant. Examinations to the obstetrician is usually done a pap smear.

Cancer early detection of HPV virus is very important to prevent cervical cancer. Even the HPV vaccine is now available. Pap smears should be done once a year.

4. Routine physical examination
Routine physical examination should be performed once setaun. It is aimed at early detection if there is a progression that leads to a form of a disorder or disease. Physical examination is also sometimes accompanied by blood tests.

5. Blood pressure checks
Blood pressure checked regularly is also important. Blood pressure control can prevent the progression towards heart disease and blood vessels. If no complaints, blood pressure checked on a regular basis should be done once a year.

6. Cholesterol checks
Check cholesterol levels are very useful for monitoring the progression of heart disease and blood vessels. If cholesterol levels above normal, but has not been accompanied by complaints as a basis for consideration at least be able to manage your diet.

Done in order to manage your diet can lower cholesterol levels, thus preventing further disease progression.

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