Tuesday, December 20, 2011

4 Characters Not Adult Do Healthy Sex

News Health Articles - 4 Characters Not Adult Do Healthy Sex. Living a healthy sex life should be with an adult thinking and understanding about sexuality. But unfortunately, despite the age of marriage has been a long time sometimes people are just narrow minded about sex.

People who do not have a mature mind will be more easily influenced by the myths that circulate in society, despite the myth can not be explained scientifically, including about sex.

Here are some characteristics of the immature response about sex, as reported by nhs.uk, Monday (19/12/2011):

1. Consider a large penis is always better
Size of the male sex is often a conversation because there is a general belief that considers the larger penis will get better in satisfying your partner. Though not all women love big penis size.

"The important thing is not the length of the penis, but how hard erect penis," said dr. Andri Wanananda MS Seksologi who is also a member of the Association of Indonesia (ASI), in consultation detikHealth.

2. Assuming a dry vagina is better than wet pussy
There are men who prefer when mengangganggap partner's vagina dry and wet pussy by the term 'muddy'. That's a big mistake, because it makes her dry vagina pain during intercourse because of friction with the penis can make the vagina hurt. Women require adequate lubrication in the vagina to be able to enjoy sex.

3. Assume women should bleed the first time you have sex
Women who bleed during sexual intercourse caused by damage to the hymen. But the damage to the hymen is not only caused by the sex, but it could be a result of activity that is too tight or intense physical activity. This is because the hymen is very thin and easily damaged and torn hymen is not always characterized by bleeding.

4. Assume women will not get pregnant while having sex the first time
There is no single way that can predict when a woman can become pregnant. Pregnancy can occur if intercourse done when women are in the fertile period and egg cells are released.

Are you one of them? I hope you're not.

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