Saturday, December 10, 2011

3 Herbal Brain Function and Energy Enhancer

News Health Articles - 3 Herbal Brain Function and Energy Enhancer. In living everyday activities will certainly be more fit if it has enough energy. However, many people are listless and dispirited by because they feel powerful. Because of this, it is necessary for us to know the ways to increase energy. Various herbs can enhance the energy is often discussed.

"There are three types of herbs can help improve brain function and improve energy that can be utilized to support in performing daily activities," said Dr. Manny Alvarez.

Three herbs that can enhance brain function and increase energy as quoted from FoxNewsHealth, Wednesday (12/08/2011), among others:

1. Chyawanprash

Chyawanprash is an herb that is very famous in India. Chyawanprash has antioxidant properties & strengthens the body's internal defense mechanisms and immune system. So that this herb can protect the body from bacterial and viral infections everyday, such as coughs and colds. When the flu season arrives, by consuming this herb, the immune system can provide the best prevention of disease severity. "Chyawanprash has a taste like plums and have energy like spices. Chyawanprash can be placed on toasted bread or other foods," says Kilham.

2. Rodioloa rosea

Rhodiola rosea is an herb that grows in the East Siberian Arctic. This herb is a popular plant in traditional medical systems in Eastern Europe and Asia. These herbs are often used long ago to boost energy. The root of this herb can to stimulate the nervous system, fight depression, improve performance, reduce fatigue, and reduce high altitude sickness. These herbs are believed to be kardiopulmuner system, and central nervous system activity has been associated primarily with its ability to influence the level and activities of monoamine and opioid peptides such as beta endorphins.

Rhodiola rosea is also believed to enhance sexuality. Rhodiola rosea may enhance mental function, boost immunity, and increase energy. According to research, there is increasing 68 percent for men with erectile dysfunction who take Rhodiola rosea. These herbs can be found in capsule form, and will not interact negatively with other medications. Rhodiola rosea is also being used by psychiatrists worldwide to treat depression and mental fatigue, "says Kilham.

3. Ginseng

Ginseng is one of 11 species grow slowly and are included in the family Araliaceae and genus Panax. Ginseng is usually found in areas with cold climates. These herbs can be taken in liquid or capsule form. These herbs have benefits can improve brain function, concentration, and memory. Based on this research, ginseng is also shown to have anti-cancer and antioxidant properties.

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