Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The characteristics of Headache Due to Brain Tumors

Most headaches arise from stress, migraines, sinusitis. And if there were more tumors are benign. But there are ways to know the characteristics of headaches from a brain tumor.

"About 99 percent of headaches are felt by society is not due to cancer," said Dr. Gene Barnett, director of the Brain Tumor and Neuro-Oncology Center, as quoted by CNN on Monday (4/11/2011).

Even so said Dr. Barnett, headaches that appear should not be considered trivial, because it could be a signal of certain health conditions.

He admitted that there is no easy way to find out whether the headaches that arise due to a brain tumor or not.

"There is no simple way to find out whether the headaches that arise due to a brain tumor or not, as some cases of brain tumors just do not get headaches at all," said Barnett.

The difficulty of detection of brain tumors is due to be made the diagnosis of tumor location, the speed of presenting symptoms, rate of growth of the tumor as well as the effects.

Yet Barnett reveals some important points to remember and can be used as warning signals for one to know whether experienced headache is a symptom of a brain tumor or not, namely:

Headache experienced a new thing, if it had never felt a headache or experienced differently than usual then this condition can be a warning sign.

Headaches that come along with other symptoms, brain tumor patients usually have other symptoms besides headaches are like nausea, dizziness, vomiting, loss of consciousness or sudden fainting, seizures, difficulty speaking, weakness in the limbs or problems with peripheral vision.

Headache begins when I wake in the morning, the headache usually starts in the morning is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. While experienced headaches in the morning and gets worse throughout the day is usually not the result of a brain tumor but rather due to daily pressures.

Worsening headaches, headaches that appears more and more often during periods of days, weeks or months.

Symptoms of brain tumors that arise can be very broad and diverse therefore required a doctor's examination to confirm the diagnosis. One of the investigations carried out is the CT-scan to see the picture of the brain and surrounding structures.

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