Wednesday, October 26, 2011

4 secret repelling pain

transition and winter season often makes people easy to fall ill, minimally ill colds and flu. But not all people easily fall ill. Some of them have applied the secret four repellent sick, whether realized or not.

Fourth is the secret as quoted by, Wednesday (26/10/2011) are:

1. Friends with fresh air

Parents say the old days better stay inside the house warmer and more friendly to the immune system rather than outside the cold. The problem is, remain in the house would put themselves in contact things that are constant close to people and germs-bacteria.

Go outside for fresh air not only to rest themselves from germs that circulate in the house, but also can boost immunity.

"Exercising outdoors will increase natural killer cells, namely neutrophils and monocytes, which ultimately enhance immune function," said Ather Ali, ND, MPH, assistant director of research of alternative medicine / complementary in the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center .

2. Relaxation for the opponents cold

There are many reasons why the relaxation should be included in the list to be done. One of the most important thing is to avoid stress, since stress increases the vulnerability of the body exposed to the flu.

In the long run, the conditions that stress the body releases stress hormones such as glucocorticoids. This hormone inhibits the body's ability to produce cell-signaling molecules called cytokines that trigger the immune system response against the disease.

"When stressed, people tend to be less care of themselves, lack of sleep, not eating right and exercising less," said Ali.

3. Make sure hands stay clean

Colds and flu can be spread very easily through touch. Keep fingers away from eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible and be sure to always wash hands with soap.

Germs can grow on bar soap, so use the type of liquid soap and choose the antibacterial soap. Wet your hands with soap for 20 seconds before rinsing and be sure to completely dry.

"Wet hands are much more likely to spread bacteria than dry," said Dr. Dana Simpler, primary care physicians at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore.

4. Enough sleep

Lack of sleep can continuously inhibit the ability of the immune system function. Although experts often say that sleep needs vary for each individual, a study conducted by Carnegie Mellon 2009 found that the sleep time of less than 7 hours increases the risk of getting the flu three times. Seven hours in question is seven hours straight, without waking up at midnight.

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