Monday, December 5, 2011

Drink drug with Coffee, Dangerous!

News Health Articles - Drink drug with Coffee, Dangerous!. To drink with drugs, coffee less recommended because it can inhibit the absorption of drugs, thereby reducing its efficacy. Another danger is the risk of triggering so much caffeine poisoning due to last longer in the body.

Side effects of coffee when taken with drugs is often overlooked because people are more concerned about the side effects of the coffee itself such as heart palpitations and insomnia. Yet when it interacts with drugs, coffee can trigger side effects are more diverse.

One side effect of coffee when taken with drugs is the inhibition of drug absorption, so that it becomes ineffective. This effect occurs in several types of drugs, especially class of antidepressants, estrogen, and drugs for thyroid disorders and osteoporosis.

A study in 2008 showed that the absorption of levothyroxine drug berupakan one thyroid disorders declined 55 percent when taken with coffee. Likewise, alendronate, a type of osteoporosis drug absorption is also down 60 percent.

In women, coffee also affects the hormonal balance so that the absorption of some drugs may experience interference. In some studies, levels of estrogen and other hormones in women declined shortly after drinking coffee.

In addition, the coffee itself can also be influenced by drugs-related metabolism and disposal processes of the body. As a result, as quoted by the NYTimes, Monday (5/12/2011), caffeine will give a longer effect, including side effects and the possibility of overdose or poisoning.

Several types of antibiotics and birth control pills can make caffeine last longer in the body because it inhibits the CYP1A2 enzyme whose function is to remove waste products of metabolism of caffeine. According to the study, caffeine lasted a few hours longer in women who take birth control pills.

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