Monday, December 5, 2011

Health Problems Can be Reflected In Face Skin

News Health Articles - Health Problems Can be Reflected In Face Skin. The skin can reflect what is happening inside the body. As part of the immune system, skin defends the body when you're battling an illness. However, the skin can be overwhelmed and eventually appear as pimples and redness.

"Reading the signs of health problems can be through the skin of the face," says dermatologist Anne Chapas, MD, Dermatology Laser from Union Square, New York City.

Some signs of health problems that can be reflected through the skin as quoted from TodayHealth, Monday (5/12/2011), among others:

1. Acne on the chin

There are many reasons for women who have acne on the chin before the menstrual period. So that the acne on the chin can be associated with hormone ketdakseimbangan. The chin is part of the face are very sensitive to the increase in the hormone progesterone and testosterone.

Many women experience only mild acne, but if it tends to be more severe acne or painful, and already tida respond to drugs that are available on the market, then it is time to consult with a physician.

"Cystic acne on chin or along the jaw line can be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and other types of hormonal abnormalities. If left untreated, these conditions can increase the risk for diabetes and infertility," said Chapas.

For certain patients, birth control pill is an effective way to balance hormone levels and cleanse the skin. Pills are also very effective for treating the symptoms of PCOS.

Several studies have shown that eliminating processed sugar and grains can also reduce hormonal stimulation that can cause acne. Some experts also recommend use of products containing salicylic acid and sulfur.

"Put the product to the pimple and surrounding area so that salicylic acid can open and cleanse pores. Sulfur is also thought to relieve inflammation caused by acne," adds Chapas.

2. Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes can be caused by allergies. Chronic allergies can dilate blood vessels, which can cause swelling and dark marks appear in blue purple.

Many people do not realize, is experiencing allergies. Allergens also trigger the release of histamine. Histamine is a chemical that contributes to swelling and can make the eyes itchy and watery.

"With skin irritation around the eyes, one can even make more capillaries that leak," Obviously Ranella Hirsch, MD, a dermatologist in Boston.

If a new allergy symptoms appear, the condition can be managed with antihistamines that are available on the market, such as Allegra or Zyrtec. Taking medications as directed antihistamines can reduce the irritation in a few weeks.

If the condition does not subside by taking allergy medication antihistamine available in the market, then immediately consult a doctor. So that doctors can determine the cause and provide the best treatment.

3. Reddish spots

Causes reddish spots on the face, among others, stress, digestive disorders, or lupus. Red spots that come and go on the face and neck may be associated with stress.

Because the red spots on the face can be triggered by stress hormone fluctuations. Rosacea, acne is a small group, such as red bumps, may be a sign of digestive disease.

"The skin and gastrointestinal tract are well designed to protect the body by preventing the appearance of the rash. It may be the reason why digestive problems can arise on the skin," explains Chapas.

According to the results of a study, when people with rosacea taking antibiotics to clear bacteria in the stomach, usually a skin condition also improved. The results of these studies have been published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology in 2008.

The most serious condition, is a malar rash. Malar rash is a red rash shaped symmetrical butterfly which usually covers the top and middle of both cheeks. "The condition can be a classic symptom of lupus, the disease that attacks the immune system," explains Hirsch.

If you feel more tired than usual, easier bruising and weight loss or increased drastically, immediately consult a physician. Stay away from sun exposure continuously and spicy foods. Because both of these can aggravate redness.

Stress relief activities, such as yoga or meditation can also help. Intake of probiotics, which are healthy bacteria can also help regulate digestion and relieve inflammation. Camouflage facial redness, can also be done using a green base makeup.

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