Various things can be a source of contamination for the MP-ASI as contaminated water, pets in the house, cooking and eating equipment that is not clean, dirt on the hands, dust and excreta (waste) of humans and animals.
"Factors associated with the contamination is not immediately present the MP-ASI after ripe, most have a high risk period of more than 120 minutes after cooked," says Dr. Aria Kusuma, in a trial promotion for her Doctorate in FKM UI, Depok, Wednesday (01/04/2012).
If the MP-ASI that has been cooked in contact with room temperature, then allow the growth and development of E. coli in food, thus becoming one of the potential dangers.
"The range of presentation time is too long after the food is cooked will cause a drop in temperature so that the MP-ASI is at a good temperature for E. coli to grow and develop," he said.
Optimal temperature needed to grow and evolve E. coli is the temperature 37 degrees Celsius, and will stop growing at temperatures less than 8 degrees Celsius or more than 44.5 degrees celsius.
Growth and development of single-celled bacteria will be two times that amount within 15 minutes and became more than a thousand bacteria in 3 hours.
Dr. Aria said if want to save the MP-ASI preferably at temperatures less than 5 degrees Celsius or more than 60 degrees celsius. If you've saved more than 120 minutes the food should be heated again to eliminate microorganisms that have been growing and developing in it.
Another factor that must be taken to avoid contamination of E. coli in the MP-ASI is to wash hands and dry them with cloth or disposible wipes, washing utensils and baby food until they are clean and sterile and the use of uncontaminated water.
This was disclosed in the trial of Dr. Kusuma Aria for him based on the promotion of Doctoral dissertation, entitled 'Escherichia coli Contamination in Food Serving Local Complementary feeding for infants aged 6-12 months in the Work Area Health Center Selayo'.
In this study the laboratory results indicate a local MP-ASI in the area contaminated with E. coli at 72.4 percent, baby utensils contaminated by 74.64 percent and contamination on the hands of people who make at 57.9 percent.
The study also found the factors most related to E. coli contamination in the local presentation of MP-ASI is the presence of animals that roam in the house, contamination of the hands of food handlers and drying hands with a clean cloth that is not guaranteed.
There are several principles in preparing MP-ASI is true, namely:
1. Cooking food properly is to use high temperatures or more than 70 degrees celsius.
2. Try to not store cooked food, but if food is stored it must be reheated until it reaches a temperature of 70 degrees celsius.
3. Try not to terajdi contact between raw and cooked foods.
4. Washing fruits and vegetables that will be used, if possible, vegetables and fruits should be peeled first.
5. Washing your hands frequently before the start of cooking or serving food.
6. Use a spoon and bowl to feed the babies and toddlers and wash immediately after use.
7. Protecting food from contact with insects, rodents and other animals.
8. Ensure all equipment used and the place is clean.
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