Tuesday, December 20, 2011

When Guts Tucked, Intussusception

News Health Articles - When Guts Tucked, Intussusception.

Intussusception is a serious disorder in which the small intestine or large intestine are tucked into other parts of the intestine. Events that often prevents food or liquids through the intestines and colon stem and cut off blood supply to the affected parts of the intestine.

Intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal constipation children. Intussusception in adults is rare. The case of adult intussusception are mostly the result of other underlying diseases. In contrast, most cases of intussusception in children have no underlying reason.

With the rapid treatment can treat intussusception without any lasting problems.


In children, signs and symptoms of intussusception in children include:
1. Severe abdominal pain that comes and goes (intermittent pain)
2. Stools mixed with blood and mucus
3. Lump in the abdomen
4. Swollen abdomen (belly)
5. Vomiting, possibly vomiting bile (yellow-brown or greenish liquid)
6. Diarrhea
7. Fever
8. Dehydration
9. Lethargy

Intussusception in infants who are healthy
first sign may be a sudden loud cry. This is caused by abdominal pain. Infants who experience abdominal pain may be knee to the chest while crying.

Pain that comes and goes from intussusception, usually every 15 to 20 minutes at first. These painful episodes are more common over time and last longer.

Although rare, adults can experience intussusception. Signs and symptoms of intussusception in adults can come and go (intermittent symptoms), or perhaps incessant, among others:
1. Changes in frequency of bowel movements
2. The urgent need to defecate (urgency)
3. Rectal bleeding
4. Cramping abdominal pain
5. Abdominal pain or swelling
6. Nausea
7. Throw up


Human intestine is shaped like an elongated tube. Intussusception is a disorder in which one part of the intestine (usually the small intestine) tucked into the other parts. These events sometimes referred to as "telescoping" because it resembles the way a telescope crease when folded together.

Intussusception can cause some medical conditions. But, in many cases, doctors can not determine with certainty the cause. Symptoms experienced by adult intussusception may be a symptom of another disease.

In adults, the cause of intussusception among others:
1. Growth of Non-cancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant)
2. Network that looks like a wound in the intestine (adhesions)
3. Surgical scar on the small intestine or colon
4. Impaired movement of food through the digestive tract (motility disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastroparesis and Hirschsprung's disease)
5. Long-term diarrhea (chronic)

Most cases of intussusception in children cause is still unknown.

Here the possibility that a trigger is:
1. Virus infection
2. Growth of non-cancerous or cancerous tumors in the colon
3. In the past, several cases of intussusception appeared to be associated with the version of rotavirus vaccine.

Rotavirus is a disease of childhood that causes diarrhea, severe vomiting, fever and dehydration. Vaccine has been withdrawn from the market since 1999. However, There is no evidence that new rotavirus vaccines cause intussusception.

Treatments and drugs

Emergency medical care needed to treat intussusception is to avoid severe dehydration and shock, and prevent infections that can occur when most of the intestine dies because of lack of blood.

When the children arrived at the hospital, doctors will first stabilize kondisikesehatannya. These include:
1. Giving the child fluid through the veins (IV).
2. Helps to decompress the intestine by placing a tube through the nose and into the child's abdomen (nasogastric tube).
3. Correcting intussusception
4. To treat these problems, the pediatrician may recommend:

A therapy called barium or air enema can usually repair and successfully treat intussusception. If an enema works, no further treatment is needed.

Surgery. If the intestines are torn or if the enema is not managed to fix the problem, then surgery is needed. The surgeon will free the trapped intestine, smooth disorder, and if necessary, raise the dead intestinal tissue.

In some cases, intussusception may be temporary and can heal itself without treatment. If there is no disease that causes intussusception, then further treatment is not required.

Sources: MayoClinic

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