A recent study proves that drinking alcohol is closely linked to the level of transmission Immunodeficiency Human Virus (HIV). Viruses that cripple the immune sistem is transmitted through body fluid contact, one of them during sex.
This conclusion was drawn based on a review of 12 previous studies, almost all of which indicate that the risk of HIV transmission is increased in people who frequently drink alcohol. Even so, there is no strong evidence that this linkage could be interpreted as a causal relationship.
The researchers estimate, especially excessive alcohol consumption associated with unsafe sexual behavior so easily transmit HIV. If this conjecture is true, then the relationship is valid not only for HIV but also other venereal diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea.
According to the researchers, excessive alcohol consumption can reduce the brain's ability to make decisions. For example when having sex is risky, so it is not strictly a person to decide the use of condoms as a protection.
"Drinking alcohol has a relationship with a propensity for unsafe sex and this fact could be considered in HIV prevention and AIDS," said Dr. J Rehm, a scientist at Washington who conducted this study as quoted from Indiavision, Tuesday (13/12 / 2011).
HIV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is quite feared, because if left untreated can lead to AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). A person who is infected with AIDS can die from a variety of comorbid infections such as tuberculosis (TB) and pneumonia.
The results of this study have been published in the journal Addiction.
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