"There are a number of health benefits to be gained from having sex or orgasm every day," says Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD, author of Pleasuring: The Secrets of Sexual Satisfaction 'as reported by Cosmopolitan.com, Sunday (12/25/2011).
Experts agree that there is widespread evidence regarding the health benefits of orgasm. Research shows that men who have orgasms twice or more a week live longer than people who orgasms less.
Other studies have shown that women who claimed to enjoy sexual relationships live longer than women who enjoy sex less.
This is the reason why an orgasm can prolong life:
1. Lowering Risk of Breast Cancer
One reason why can prolong life could be due to an orgasm has positive effects on various organs and body systems. For example, research shows that when the sexual activity increased, decreased risk of breast cancer.
"This could be due to the hormone oxytocin surge that comes when experiencing arousal and orgasm," says Beverly Whipple, PhD, author of 'The Orgasm Answer Guide'.
2. Preventing Heart Attack and Sharpening Mind
There is also evidence that orgasm can protect against heart attacks and keep the brain healthy.
"The fMRI scans showed that the female brain better utilize oxygen during orgasm than usual, much like the effect of exercise. In other words, the brain that are eating helps keep the mind sharp," said Barry Komisaruk, PhD, author of 'The Science of Orgasm'.
3. Relieve Pain and Improve Quality of Sleep
Orgasm can also block pain. Studies have shown that orgasm can work as a natural pain reliever to help relieve menstrual cramps, migraines, and other pain.
There is a possibility that the release of hormones when the climax can also serve as a natural sedative. A study of more than 1,800 American women who masturbate find that as many as 32 percent of them claim to do so in order to fall asleep.
4. Improve the appearance of being seen in younger
Orgasm was also good for the appearance. In a study of 3,500 people, those who rated apparent look 7-12 years younger almost always reach orgasm alone, but less than half claiming to achieve orgasm during sex with a partner.
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