Fainting is a condition of the body which a sudden loss of consciousness due to lack of blood flow to the brain. Usually occurs when a person experienced fainting and weakness followed by loss of consciousness.
Most of fainting triggered by the vagus nerve, the nerve that connects the brain and the digestive system to manage the flow of blood to the intestines. When the food came, the vagus nerve will redirect blood to the stomach and intestines and pull from other body tissues including the brain.
Unfortunately, the vagus nerve is sometimes too eager to draw too much blood to the brain that can make blood pressure drop due to the effects of the vagus nerve and lead to fainting.
Some things are known to cause someone fainted suddenly, as quoted from About.com, Wednesday (12/14/2011), namely:
1. Dehydration
Lack of drinking water in the bloodstream to make a few that make blood pressure and stimulate the vagus nerve decreases when the levels are already low body causing dizziness and fainting. Various things can cause dehydration such as vomiting, diarrhea, burns, heat exhaustion and air.
2. Psychological Triggers
Anxiety, panic disorder, stress or psychological effects when the sight of blood can stimulate the vagus nerve in some people can result in loss of consciousness.
3. Shock
Schok is a condition characterized by low blood pressure that often causes loss of consciousness. Shcok victims likely experience confusion that could deteriorate so faint. This condition can occur due to bleeding, severe allergies or infections.
4. Alcohol
Many people lose consciousness due to alcohol. In addition to sedative effects (calming), alcohol also make people urinate frequently triggering dehydration and dilate the blood vessels that can lower blood pressure.
5. Drug
Some drugs can trigger a collapse such as nitrate medications (lowering blood pressure quickly), stimulants (raised body temperature) and opiates (lowers blood pressure and slow your breathing).
6. Impaired heart rate
The heart works to pump blood through the veins and arteries and it takes a certain pressure to maintain blood flow.
If the heart beats too fast or slow makes the blood pressure is not maintained properly so that blood flow to the brain is disrupted and cause fainting. Heart rate is too fast if more than 150 beats per minute and too slow if less than 50 beats per minute.
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