Saturday, December 10, 2011

Breast Cancer in Men Easier palpated

News Health Articles - Breast Cancer in Men Easier palpated. Although the risk is much smaller, men also can get breast cancer so it is necessary to do early detection. No need to wear a mammogram, a lump in the male breast is more easily felt when palpated than in women.

For the doctors, early detection of breast cancer in men is more alarming than in women. Just because the stakes are smaller, men tend to pay less attention to abnormalities in the form of a lump in her breast and the like.

Yet seen from the structure, there is no special difference that makes a man truly immune to breast cancer. This means that although the risk is not for women, the impact of breast cancer in men can be equally fatal if not detected early.

Men also do not need to perform complex procedures of early detection as well as women, because it does not need a mammogram. Male breast tissue is not for women, so it is quite palpable just the slightest bump will be more easily detected.

"Men should immediately contact a doctor if it detects there is something abnormal in her breast," said Debbie Saslow, PhD, director of the Breast & Gynecologic Cancer of the American Cancer Society, as quoted from MSN Health, Friday (12/09/2011).

Indeed, not all lumps mean cancer symptoms, because the lump could also indicate other diseases. Can cysts and normal fat deposits, but it is always better to consult because if it turns out the cancer really early then it could be anticipated.

Examination would be more accurate if it is accompanied by genetic testing. If a man has a history of breast cancer in her family genealogy, and genetic test results showed she had the breast cancer genes BRCA1 or BRCA2 then he had a risk by 6 percent.

In addition, there are several ways you can do to reduce those risks. Among the healthy lifestyle that is eating lots of fiber, not smoking, exercise and weight control, reducing radiation exposure and be very clever to manage stress.

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