Tuesday, December 20, 2011

3 Kim Jong-il killer disease

News Health Articles - 3 Kim Jong-il killer disease. North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il died on Saturday (17/12/2011). According to the news, Kim Jong-il died of a heart attack while in train travel. However, based on medical history, there are three health problems that brought the death of the holder of this nuclear control.

As the leader of the country that is super close, speculation on the poor health of the man who was born February 16, 1942 is causing growing concern for the future of the isolated west of the country. Doctors say there are 3 health problems suffered by Kim.

The following diseases are to be introductory Kim Jong-il's death, as reported by The Chosunilbo, Monday (12/19/2011):

1. Stroke
Kim slowly began to recover from a stroke that attacked her in 2008. In the last recording he looked as though still dealing with a disease that attacks the brain vessel that, with limited movement of his left hand and dragged his left leg when walking.

With the passage of time, post-stroke disability began to decrease, but the real problem is the depression or impulse control disorder that often affects patients with stroke.

"If part of the brain damaged by stroke, you may be suffering from depression so that it becomes very sensitive to your emotions or anger attacks had become unmanageable. If people are not careful in the management of post-stroke, their judgments can be very affected," explained the doctor.

2. Chronic renal failure due to diabetes
Kim also reported to have had diabetes for more than a decade, which has led to chronic renal failure. Latest picture of Kim showed that in his face had grown dark spots and white nails. This may occur because of a buildup of toxins in the body due to kidney failure.

Often looks swollen wrist and he said he would undergo kidney dialysis twice a week, but without kidney transplants may not survive for five years. Even if he wanted a kidney transplant, it is unclear whether North Korea has the means to perform the operation.

3. Heart disease
Doctors believe that Kim suffered a stroke due to complications from diabetes. Weight loss seems to rise and start smoking again. A combination of diabetes, abdominal obesity and smoking greatly increases the risk of recurrent heart disease.

"After the age of 70 years, serious chronic diseases such as diabetes can affect various parts of the body," said Cho Kyung-hwan, a professor at Korea University Anam Hospital.

Kim Jong-il died at the age of 69. As reported news agency KCNA (Korean Central News Agency), Kim died of a heart attack on Saturday (17/12) ago. An autopsy has been done against him on Sunday (18/12) yesterday, to confirm the cause of death.

Good Bye Mr. Kim Jong Il,..

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