Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Diligent Men Drinking Water Reduce Risk of Bladder Cancer

Drinking water is known to have many benefits for the body. Now expanding again its benefits, especially for men which can help reduce the risk of bladder cancer (bladder cancer).

A survey conducted on 48,000 men found participants who drank more than 2.5 liters of fluid per day had a 24 percent lower risk of bladder cancer, as quoted by the Telegraph, Wednesday (26/10/2011).

Studies conducted by researchers at Brown University is analyzing males aged 40 years during a period of 22 years and answer the questionnaire from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study.

In this questionnaire participants were asked about how much fluid is consumed regularly over a time interval of 4 years. And the result shows that the benefits of high fluid intake may help reduce the risk of bladder cancer.

The researchers concluded that consumption of fluids can help to remove and release compounds that have the potential to be carcinogenic (causing cancer) before he had a chance to cause tissue damage that can lead to bladder cancer.

The disease is known to be more common in men aged 50-80 years compared with women. Most bladder cancers originate from transitional cell and squamous cell carcinoma of the rest is. Transitional cell and squamous cell are the cells that line the walls of the bladder.

Symptoms of bladder cancer is usually in the form of hematuria (blood in urine), burning or there is pain when defecating, the urge to urinate and frequent urination.

The results of this study will be presented at the conference 10th AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research in the U.S..

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