As reported by, Friday (23/12/2011), here are 5 Stupid Things Do to Enlarge Penis often done throughout history in order to get a bigger penis
1. Penis sheath
Penis sheath worn over the penis to give the illusion of size. The men have been doing this for centuries, ranging from the use of the codpiece in the 15th century and 16 in Europe to highlight the penis, until the installation of the length of the penis gourd in the culture of the tribe in New Guinea.
Codpiece is a set of tools installed in front of the penis to create the impression of a big penis in medieval European nobility.
2. Penis Enlargement Manual
Kama Sutra explained that the man can raise his penis to make it more width and length by menyengatkan wasps. Not only can this lead to ulcers and death, but no effect.
In the U.S., some plastic surgeons have reported seeing a man who had tried to operate on his own by injecting his penis with a variety of household materials, from Vaseline to kerosene.
Department of Health in Thailand even issued an official announcement in 2005, ordered the men to stop injecting Vaseline and olive oil to his penis as it can cause disability.
3. Spam
How this is done by sending messages via e-mail chain by offering a product or penis enlargement medication. Products offered is usually a penis enlarger cream that is guaranteed by an expert or a certain figure. In fact, any cream rubbed on the penis will not make it grow.
4. Pills and Potions
None of these drugs work and no urologist who recommended it. Many of these pills is dangerous and ineffective.
Researchers from the University of Maryland found a large number of impurities in most of penis enlargement pills product that comes from raccoons or other animals that eat 'herbal materials'. Even more dangerous, is found also some toxic materials such as fungi, yeast, E. coli, and pesticides.
5. Surgery
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons issued a policy prohibiting penile surgery for cosmetic purposes.
But still there are many plastic surgeons who are willing to perform surgery from the pay was tempting. Research has shown that most men who undergo this surgery are not satisfied with the results.
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