Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Always Fell More Tall, Leads Talent Sign

News Health Articles - Always Fell More Tall, Leads Talent Sign. A study ever proved, tall people preferred to come across as a leader. Meanwhile, according to recent research, the leader have a tendency to feel much taller than the actual height.

This trend is caused by differences in height perspective, such as those observed in 3 experiments at Washington University. In these experiments, the dominant person shown to have a different perception of height with people in general.

For example in the first experiment, some participants were asked to compare the difference in height with the length of a pole. Participants who had a history of leadership tend to mention the difference more than the poles are actually shorter.

While a second experiment, participants were asked to mention his height in a questionnaire. Because usually people always knew exactly his height, then in this experiment about the perception of height tendency is not too different.

But in the last experiment, the difference was re-appear. When asked to choose an avatar or cartoons that are considered representative of his personality, participants who had a history of leadership tend to choose an avatar that tall or big.

"The experience related psychological power can make a person feel taller than the actual objective measurements," says Prof. Michelle Duguid, who led that research as quoted from Dailymail, Wednesday (January 4, 2012).

This difference perception of height can be utilized more widely, among others in the workplace environment. There is no harm in putting space leaders at a higher place example on the upstairs, because according to the study leaders tend to become obsessed with height.

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