Thursday, December 1, 2011

'Stay away from the disease is not Person' echoing AIDS Day

News Health Articles - 'Stay away from the disease is not Person' echoing AIDS Day. 'Stay away from the disease is not Person' echoing AIDS Day.
People with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) often get discrimination from the community or a particular environment. On World AIDS Day this year, echoing the slogan 'Stay away from the disease not the person' to support people with AIDS that they are not alone.

Discrimination against people living with HIV are still encountered, although some people already know that just a handshake, a chat or a hug can not transmit the HIV virus. These conditions make some people campaigning 'Stay away from the disease not the person' on World AIDS Day.

"Spread the love people, NOT the disease. Each one of us is affected in one way or another, so Reduced the stigma and play safe # WorldAIDSDay" as quoted from the twitter account @ KenyaRedCross, Thursday (01/12/2011).

"There are no reason to stigmatize people living with AIDS, They are still people like us. # WorldAIDSDay" quoted from the twitter account @ IBUFoundation. And "If you can not support. At least do not discriminate. # WorldAIDSday" from the twitter account @ TimMarbun.

Discrimination perpetrated against people with HIV / AIDS will make it even shut down, which makes the record the exact number of people living with HIV / AIDS.

Negative stigma about HIV / AIDS should begin to be removed, because of alienating people with HIV / AIDS or labeling them with a negative stigma is not a humane act.

HIV is a retrovirus that infects human immune cells and destroy its function, so that infected people will experience a decrease in immunity. While AIDS is a variety of symptoms and infections associated with a decrease in the immune system.

In HIV-AIDS control efforts still have to respect the dignity, dignity, and religious norms, and with regard to justice, welfare and gender. It is also important is the need to protect PLWHA (people living with HIV AIDS) are judged not to the public.

Here are some ways you can do to avoid HIV / AIDS such as:
1. Avoiding risky behaviors such as casual sex and not using condoms
2. Do not use needles alternately with others
3. No multiple partners or behave faithfully

Come on ... 'Stay away from the disease is not o

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