Alfie Mazeika (2 years) who runs his own hunger to leave his parents and three-tier wedding cake to eat that would be presented at the wedding reception.
Her parents did, Norma (45 years) and Kevin (51 years), should replace the cake which is scheduled to be presented to approximately 100 guests for dessert at a club in Durham.
"That moment in our friend's wedding. He walked alone and out of our control. We all look for him and found him sitting stuffing himself with cake. Either how he climbed into the chair, he is actually destroying the cake. I can not do nothing but laugh, because although he's naughty but she does not understand, "said Norma, Alfie's mother who came from Halifax, West Yorkshire, as reported by Dailymail, Tuesday (27/12/2011).
Not surprisingly, little Alfie could spend so much food. He suffered from a rare condition called Prader-Willi syndrome, which made him feel constantly hungry and insatiable lust of food because the brain is unable to recognize that the stomach is full.
Prader-Willi syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disorder that affects 1 in 25,000 children. This syndrome is usually associated with chromosome 15 and gene OCA2. Children with this syndrome will be born with sickly, have a weak muscle control and body weight is below normal at first.
This condition can cause cognitive difficulties and behavioral disorders, weight problems, problems in controlling anger and difficulty in socializing.
Because of this condition, both parents must be careful monitoring of food intake including the kitchen cabinets should be locked. Parents also have to watch him, because if there was no food this little boy could even eat himself.
Norma discovered that Alfie suffered from Prader-Willi syndrome after he was born 8 weeks early via emergency C-section. Alfie is also experiencing problems with speech and mobility. Both parents have to learn sign language to help him communicate.
"We were given a diagnosis by all the symptoms experienced and I started to cry, but Kevin is really good and said he did not care what he has. He's our son and we should be thankful he is here. It really helps with that support," clearly Norma, who already has 6 children.
Alfie has a short tongue so that the people around him are not able to understand when he starts talking. Alfie is now just beginning to be deposited in child care, but his parents worried he would take food from other children without realizing that it is wrong.
"I have heard that many children with Prader-Willis often take food from others, but again it's not dangerous, they do not realize it was wrong. We have to watch him 24 hours 7 days a week," said Norma.
Prada-Willi Syndrome Association said that people with this syndrome have a lot of trouble to keep weight under control. Prader-Willi syndrome is a very cruel, because not only encouraged to eat, but people with this syndrome need fewer calories, so as to maintain a healthy weight loss diet the patient should be tight enough.
"This condition comes with other complications. Many times you will have a fairly severe learning difficulties. Some ways to manage living with the challenges presented by a constant urge to eat, but it is a daily battle," lid Leigh Vallance, CEO of Prada-Willi Syndrome Association.
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