Monday, December 26, 2011

Little Girl Spirit Fight Cancer After Meet Princess

News Health Articles - Little Girl Spirit Fight Cancer After Meet Princess. The story of princes and princesses are the most amazing story for most of the girls. Likewise with Diamond Marshall, the little girl 6 years of age who had cancer so rare a spirit to heal after embraced the beautiful princess.

Diamond Marshall diagnosed as having cancer of the adrenal glands are rare. When this cancer he had a dream to meet a princess. It turned out that his meeting with the daughter of Kate Middleton, the wife of Prince William of England have a positive impact for healing illness.

The little girl who came from Canada has a dream to meet with Princess Aurora from Sleeping Disneyland. It turned out that the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada successfully meet her with another figure of the daughter of the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton.

The father, Lyall Marshall believes her daughter's visit and meetings with the Kingdom of Kate Middleton could help Diamond fight the disease. Diamond himself had lost his mother, Memory (32 years) due to different cancers, 4 years ago.

"He was amazed at the fairy tale princesses like Princess Kate, therefore the meeting will rouse him to keep fighting," said Lyall Marshall, as quoted from Dailymail, Monday (26/12/2011).

The Duchess was meeting with a big impact for the Diamond. He felt his dream come true and gave the spirit to continue to fight against the cancer disease.

Diamond meeting with Princess Kate started when her parents find out that Kate Middleton will come to Calgary. Diamond is also very keen to meet with the Princess, he wrote a touching letter to the Duchess who expressed his desire to meet.

A few days later, his parents got a call from the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada that there is a chance to meet with the Diamond Duchess of Cambridge. Of course this makes the Diamond is very happy.

Diamond was finally able to meet with Princess Kate when greeted the princess while giving buckets of flowers. She also praised the dress that used by Diamond and gave him a hug.

Diamond was diagnosed with undifferentiated sarcoma, a rare cancer in childhood that affect the soft tissues. Since the diagnosis she had surgery, was hospitalized for weeks, and lost her hair due to treatment of tumors in the stomach.

Symptoms that arise include pain or swelling in the area affected by cancer. If the size is very large then it could push other organs and affect its performance. Treatment is given depending on which body part taxable, whether already spread and how much tissue is removed during the operation.

"Diamond had surgery on Monday (12/19/2011) to raise a number of tumor and biopsy results showed today he is cancer-free. It's like a miracle, call it the magic of Christmas," said Lyall Marshall.

Although surgery has made him free of cancer, but the Diamond still have to face the bone marrow transplant surgery and several chemotherapy sessions at the beginning of next year.

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