The new research will be published in next month's Journal of Paediatric mentioned, children who do not get along with her mother at risk of obesity at 26.1 percent at age 15. Children who get along with her mother also remains at risk, but their numbers are only 13 percent.
Prof. Sarah Anderson of Ohio State University who led the research, said the emotional connection between mother and child can affect eating patterns indirectly. Mothers who are not close to their children tend to be difficult to teach children how to manage stress, so eating more is not controlled.
"Obesity in childhood is very likely could be prevented by improving the emotional connection between mother and child, rather than just focusing on their food intake," said Prof Anderson in as quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday (27/12/2011).
According to Professor Anderson, the child's ability to manage stress is not only diet but also affect sleep patterns. Children who tend to stress easily disturbed sleep, and metabolism in the body more easily disturbed and become obese.
Mothers and children who rarely or never get along considered to have poor emotional relationship. The results of this study proves, this factor is not only a psychological effect on children but also because the physical effects associated with the risk of obesity.
For children, obesity or overweight is also associated with risk of other diseases such as diabetes and heart and blood vessel disorders. Various risk can be reduced by adjusting the diet, managing stress and exercising diligent.
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