Friday, October 28, 2011

The situation in the Workplace Frequently be Disease Resources

Which is rarely cleaned the computer keyboard can indeed be a disease because many overgrown with bacteria. But the source of illness in the workplace is not only germs and dirt, but also stressful because of the following conditions.

In a study in 2011, Ashley E Nixon from Willamette University analyzed 72 reports the results of previous studies that address occupational health issues. The result, stress is the main trigger health problems are often experienced by employees.

Although the trigger is stress which is more related to psychological factors, the impact is too much influence physical health. Various stress-related complaints such as headaches, backaches, sleep disturbance and digestive disorders.
Some triggers stress in the workplace and their impact on physical health as quoted from Spring, Friday (10/28/2011) is as follows.

1. The working environment is less supportive
When an employee is already very excited but the conditions are less supportive work environment, then the employee will be easy to experience stress. For example due to a very limited time available, while supporting facilities are also limited so that the targets impossible to achieve.

Physical complaints are often triggered by problems like this is excessive tiredness or fatigue and indigestion.

2. Dual command
In the workplace, employees often receive a command from one of the boss and his boss at the same time others gave different orders. The second order was probably not difficult to do, but to do so at the same time would become more severe.

This condition is very frustrating and was partly responsible for the emergence of stomach pains or indigestion in the workplace.

3. Interpersonal conflict
Violent behavior from colleagues, bullying from senior or disagreement protracted stressor is one of the many found in the workplace. These conditions include interpersonal conflicts that can cause disease.

Most health disorders associated with interpersonal conflict is difficult to sleep.

4. The workload is too heavy
This condition is usually most complained by the employees, but its effect on health was not how big compared to other conditions that have been mentioned previously. This means that the workload is too heavy still healthier than a boss or annoying coworkers.

Health problems are often triggered by excessive workload is fatigue or excessive tiredness.

5. The ambiguity of the role
Vagueness or ambiguity of roles occurs when an employee does not know what to do, or what is expected by the superiors of his work. Eventually he worked only on orders, so sometimes discouraged and stressed.

Based on research, this condition is most likely to cause fatigue or very tired.

6. Working hours are too long
In modern times, as now, hours of work it should be taken into account because most companies are more oriented to results and not only take into account the hours worked. Consequently there is a work from morning till afternoon, then did not get to have another life outside of work.

Working hours are too long been associated with many physical health problems, including increased pressure on the eyeball, back pain and sleep disorders.

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