Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fortunately Loss Ice Tea Drink to Your Health

Ice Tea has become a favorite beverage of many people, not only in Indonesia but also many people in various countries. There are advantages and disadvantages of iced tea for health. What?

A variety of iced tea recipe evolved several decades to create a healthy drink. Although not as healthy as a freshly brewed hot tea, iced tea is a safer bet than the soda. Iced tea gives almost all the normal benefits of tea though in smaller amounts.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of drinking iced tea for health, as reported by Buzzle, Thursday (10/27/2011), namely:

Advantages iced tea

Unsweetened iced tea is more beneficial than sweet iced tea. Iced green tea will give you all the benefits of green tea a normal, besides being a refreshing cold drink.
Choosing the iced tea is more secure than consume carbonated soft drinks.

Iced tea contains several antioxidants that are good for our bodies. Antioxidants help reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack and also reduces the possibility of inflammatory conditions.

Iced tea as well as hot tea, helps in the fight against bad breath and plaque.
Iced tea has been shown to help people with high blood pressure, because it acts as an antibiotic.

If you choose iced green tea, then there are more benefits than ice tea black tea. Iced tea like this is better for weight loss programs and to prevent tooth decay, compared to regular iced tea.

Losses iced tea

Iced tea contains oxalate, which increases the risk of kidney stones when it accumulates in the body. So, too much iced tea intake may increase risk of kidney stones, if the body is not able to break down excess oxalate.
Ice bottled tea contains nutrients lower than freshly brewed iced tea. The content of active ingredient are also bottles of iced tea iced tea less than fresh.
Ice bottled tea contains more calories than freshly brewed hot tea. Hot tea contains almost zero calories, whereas bottled iced tea contains between 82-88 calories.
Although iced tea contains most of the benefits you'll get from a normal hot tea, the percentage of materials and the benefits are significantly lower compared with hot tea.

So, there is no huge difference between the two iced tea and hot tea. You can enjoy iced tea in summer and hot tea on a cold winter day. As long as you keep your intake of iced tea in the normal range and control, there are no harmful effects from consumption of iced tea. Try to pick fresh iced tea as much as possible.

However, there are a few tips for making iced tea is healthier, namely:

Try to choose green tea, oolong and white tea when it will make iced tea, black tea is not normal. Iced tea and iced green tea is much healthier than white iced black tea.
Soak tea bags in hot water for 4-5 minutes to get the maximum benefits from tea. In this way, the tea will release all the polyphenols that are useful and good for health.
Ice tea will contain less nutrients than normal hot tea, so you should drink iced tea plain or add a low-calorie sweetener.

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