Testicle or often referred to with other terms such as the testes and scrotum essentially functions as a sperm factory. Instinctively, all men would give more attention if you feel pain in this section than when pain in other parts.
Various conditions that can trigger pain in the testicle is as follows, as quoted from Emaxhealth, Tuesday (01/11/2011).
1. Twisted testis
In medical terms, the penis is called the twisted testicular torsion. Usually, part of which is often twisted and trigger pain remarkable is that a network such as rope hanger for testicle in the scrotum sack.
Ropes can be twisted testicles due to various reasons, ranging from physical activity with too strained, traumatized by deliberately twisted or other causes are not known. This condition can usually recover in a few hours, but sometimes need surgery to fix it.
2. Physical trauma
Impact, kick or stab the testicle is the most common form of physical trauma that causes severe pain in the testicle. In young children, physical trauma most often occurs when learning is sandwiched zipper wear pants without the help of parents.
In severe trauma, swelling often occurs but is not harmful and will usually disappear within a few days to rest and given a cold water compress. But if the testicle to rupture, then took a medical intervention by surgery.
3. Inflammation of the sperm bag
Inflammation of the sperm pockets in medical terms is called epididymitis is usually triggered by infections that are transmitted either sexually or non-sexual. Symptoms include swelling of the testicle, fever, and if left to fester over time.
In addition to pain, the worst effects on untreated epididymitis is infertility in males because the sperm channels clogged by inflammation. To treat it, the patient will usually be given antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and also antinyeri once.
4. Testicular Cancer
Sometimes pain in the testicle should not be left just like that, or just treated until the pain disappeared. Because the pain can also mean early symptoms of testicular cancer, so it's good to contact your doctor for further examination.
The examination is important to be done by the men who do have risk factors. For example, have a history of testicular cancer in his family, aged 14-50 years, Caucasian ethnicity and come from as a child has a condition undescended testicles (undescended testicle).
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