Friday, October 28, 2011

Want to Have Many Children? Age Difference Couples Must 4-6 Years

Many couples fail to realize his dream to have many children. Study finds key to having many children is the age difference between men and women.

Researchers from Austria to explain if you want to have many children, then men must find a partner six years younger and women find a pair of 4 years older.

"Researchers use evolution to explain why men choose partners who are older and women usually do have a desire in older men," says study leader Martin Fieder of Vienna University, as quoted by Reuters on Friday (10/28/2011) .
Fieder says this is the first study to measure differences in age effect on the number of children. Earlier it was known that men choose younger women to increase their reproductive fitness, while women opt for the old man's safety and comfort.

In this study the researchers involved men and women who do not change partners from the first until the last child, and found differences in the age of the couple who produce the most offspring.

The results of this study indicate that the distance between pairs of age can affect their success to having many children, because the couple who had an optimal age range are more likely to have large families, although not yet known exactly why it happens. This study has been reported in the Royal Society's Biology Letters.

"This is a very systematic pattern and we do not think this happens randomly," says Fieder.

Yet this finding is the result of statistical analysis and not absolute, but the age difference between men and women proved to have an influence on the success of having many children.

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