Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Psychosomatic Disorders, Mental Disorders Most Often happened

Mental health problems are often underestimated even by the clinician in the health sector. Mental health is considered no more important than physical health.

Whereas the World Health Organization (WHO) itself in 2020 projected that depression will be the second most common disease after heart disease and blood vessels.

Research conducted by the staff at the Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine, University Christian Life Activities of Discourse (UKRIDA) at a health center in West Jakarta results showed that patients who come to the clinic with physical complaints were 30 percent more of them have mental health disorders and the most major depression is a disorder, anxiety and psychosomatic (28.5%).

This means that people who come with physical complaints to health services is not necessarily the actual physical disorder is essentially a medical course but may be a manifestation of mental disorder complaints.

As a psychiatrist who specializes in learning and practice of psychosomatic, I felt the truth of the results of this study. Patients with a variety of physical complaints that often come to different kinds of doctors are often in fact have the condition of mental health disorders. Physical symptoms are manifestations of the disorder of his soul.

Somatization and Psychosomatic

Psychosomatic disorders in psychiatric language better known as somatization disorder as part of the umbrella diagnosis of somatoform disorder. The most typical symptoms of somatization disorder is the number of complaints that occur in various organs, especially the stomach, muscles, and most often have complaints of pain.

These symptoms usually last more than 6 months to get a diagnosis remains as a somatization disorder. Patients with complaints like this will usually move the doctor because of 'illness' does not heal.

But it turns out in practice, the diagnosis of somatization disorder can rarely determined in all patients with psychosomatic complaints. Most complaints psikosomatiknya only some or only focus on one of the symptoms such as palpitations, shortness of breath and discomfort in the chest area.

Other times there are patients who complain more than any other stomach complaints. Cases like this are seen in the clinic more than that actually as a somatization disorder.

Surveys conducted in the Psychosomatic Clinic Hospital OMNI Alam Sutera to patients who come with psychosomatic complaints, was more than 50% of them, the diagnosis is essentially a panic anxiety disorder and only about 10% pure as somatization disorder.

Mental Disorders Stigma

Unfortunately, stigma and lack of awareness and public knowledge about mental health disorders cause patients usually do not feel that the visit to a psychiatrist or a psychiatrist would be a solution to the problem.

Many even consider the doctor or relatives who advised him to a psychiatrist accused them crazy. Yet we know that mental disorders are not only schizophrenia, aka crazy but still many others. Even the prevalence of severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia itself is just under 1 percent.

For this reason the role of general practitioners in primary care is very important in the diagnosis of psychosomatic complaints in patients. Views of a doctor to patient should have a thorough and thought the biopsychosocial concept.

Biospikososial this approach which will see the patient as a whole not just the physical complaints but also whether the complaint is related also to the soul and social environment. Basically all diseases must have biospikososial approach because human beings are biopsychosocial.

The introduction of these related conditions of mental disorder in primary care will be crucial in improving the quality of individual health and quality of life. And this of course is the responsibility of all medical practitioners, especially for those engaged in primary care.

For that is important for new doctors to become more skilled in the diagnosis of mental disorders especially related to complaints and psychosomatic disorders.
In the end the ability of general practitioners who will practice in particular will be further honed in diagnosing the condition of psychosomatic complaints are actually very often found in patients who come to primary care with physical complaints. While continuing to remind that a mentally disturbed man is a necessity for human beings with body and soul.

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