Friday, October 28, 2011

Hormone Changes, Causes Difficult Weight Loss

People who have excess weight (obesity) can lose weight by dieting. But the problem that arises is after weight loss, hard to maintain her weight. Why?

Quizzed had inquired, after doing research, it turns out the difficulty of maintaining weight loss obese people diet because the body experiencing hormonal changes during a diet.

Research conducted Joseph Proietto and colleagues from the University of Melbourne found that obese people who go on a diet for a year's lost weight. Weight loss but it also makes the metabolism slows down. This slowing of metabolism that affects a number of hormones.
Hormones associated with the metabolism slows down it is the hormone leptin that decreased levels when metabolism slows down. When leptin levels drop, it will lead to increased appetite. Other hormones that change because the metabolism slows down after the diet is ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates hunger.

Research conducted Proietto and colleagues involved a number of people with an average weight 209 pounds (94 Kg). At the beginning of the study, researchers measured the hormone levels of participants and assess hunger and appetite participants after eating hard-boiled eggs, toast, margarine, orange juice and biscuits for breakfast.

Study participants then spent 10 weeks with very low calorie diet, that is 500-550 calories per day. It is intended to make the study participants lose 10 percent of body weight. In fact, there are participants who lost weight about 14 percent or 29 kg.

As expected, hormone levels change and lead to increased appetite. So that study participants feel more hungry than when the study began.

Participants were then given a diet which is intended to maintain her weight. A year later the study participants gained weight again although it has been on a diet to maintain the weight loss results.

This is caused by hormonal changes. The hormone leptin that tells the brain how much fat the body is there. The hormone has fallen by about two-thirds immediately after losing weight.

When leptin levels drop, it will cause an increase in appetite and metabolism slows. A year after the diet, leptin levels are still a third lower than at baseline. However, leptin levels increased after participants were not able to maintain their weight.

Other hormones that stimulate hunger, namely ghrelin, which also changed a year later. Thus causing appetite is stronger than the study participants at baseline.

"The results show that, more than 90 percent of obese people who lose weight would be difficult to maintain it and will get fat again. Metabolism more normal when someone is at a higher weight," said researcher as reported from TheNewYorkTimes, Friday (28 / 10/2011).

The study has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine October 27, 2011.

Restore normal hormone levels by giving the drug after the diet can be a solution to the possibility that obese people can maintain weight loss has been achieved. However, it still needs to be done several studies to be able to support the research.

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