Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Forced Child Eat Vegetables Make them dislike Vegetables

Parents sometimes impose on their children to eat vegetables. But children continue to resist if forced to eat food that is not preferred. The more children are forced to eat vegetables, then the child will be more powerful imagery to hate vegetables.
Psychologist from Pennsylvania State University and Appalachian State University in the journal Appetite said the use of pressure or coercion on children to eat green vegetables worsened the intake and foster children's negative response to food.
As reported by MailOnline on Thursday (13.12.2011), toddlers tend not interested in eating nutritious food, if not forced. In studies conducted in children aged 4 years, children continue to whine for not spending nutritious foods they dislike.

So that researchers suggested that since the beginning of the children are introduced to vegetables it is more likely to increase the intake of these foods. Not through coercion but the introduction of which is an invitation.
Previous studies have shown that restricting access to fast food by children are very interesting like chips and burgers can increase a child's desire to eat those foods.
Though fast food can cause a child to eat these foods in excess. While green vegetables may reduce the risk of heart disease, even if there is a history of heart disease in families.
Scientists have found that diets rich in vegetables and raw fruits may reduce the risk of heart disease even if it has a history of heart disease in families.
It is not only a type of diet tends to make the body slim and healthy but also can actually alter genes strongly associated with heart disease.
Studies in recent years have shown that heart disease is strongly associated with the 9p21 gene. These genes can increase the risk of heart disease by 30 percent.
Scientists say a diet rich in vegetables and raw fruit may alter the gene 9p21. Researcher Sonia Anand of McMaster University in Canada told the journal PLoS Medicine that it is a way to find a diet that can change what is considered as an irreversible risk of heart disease.
Number have heart disease accounted for one third of deaths in the UK. Vegetables and fruits may be most effective to reduce the risk of heart disease if the daily diet changed to a diet high in vegetables and fruits.
Prof. Anand said the findings reinforced the importance of 5-day high on a diet of vegetables and fruits. Obviously it is important for people with a history of heart disease and high risk of heart disease.
Canadian researchers have examined the genetic than 27,000 patients. Researchers found that those who eat several servings of fruits and vegetables a day can lower the risk of heart disease than patients with a history of heart in the family.
Beneficial effects do not seem related to whether a person is also eating other unhealthy foods, the level of physical exercise, and smoking status. Despite all lifestyle factors did not increase the risk of heart disease.

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