Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cursed with a Subtle Words Prevent Stress

Unconsciously people often curse to vent emotions, whether it's the emotion of anger, sadness or even joy. But be careful if you want to vent emotions choose words that are more subtle so that people who are insulted not stressed, than can be replaced with utter fool not smart.

Recent research shows that negative cuss word can cause stress response, even when it's done by accident.

The research looked at people's reactions to the four-letter words than eufismisme (a more subtle expression) with the same meaning of the word.

Emotional reactions that emerge from these four-letter words result from the spoken words, rather than the meaning conveyed. That is why the children can remember the reaction of parents when cursed with bad words before understanding what those words mean.

"All sorts of emotions associated with four-letter words, as the person grows into adulthood," said the researcher, Jeff Bowers of the University of Bristol.

Bowers connects volunteers with a machine that will measure stress levels by measuring how much you sweat. Bowers then asked for volunteers to say swear words and the words of a euphemism (a more subtle expression) with a loud voice.

All volunteers involved in the research is to understand the research procedures and should not be offended because it has been notified.

But what happens volunteers showed higher stress levels when asked to swear dirty words than when asked to pronounce the words that mean the same but in a subtle language (euphemism).

Bowers said that the difference in stress levels between the four-letter words and euphemisms shows that humans are not only responding to the meaning of words in invective. Although the meaning is the same, but due to the negative connotation of the word cuss more people so easily offended.

"In our view, more effective euphemism for replacing the words that offend other words that are conceptually similar. If people are uncomfortable with certain words, they will attempt to not pronounce it, including not going to participate in the discussion on the topic at all, "said Bowers.

Bowers study highlights how the two words that have the same meaning can provoke different responses. "In terms of human relations, only subtle differences can make all the difference in the world," he said as quoted by The Guardian, Thursday (13/10/2011).

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